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    How to change the Address Verification (AVS) Settings in Paya Exchange


    How do I change the Address Verification (AVS) Settings in Paya Exchange?


    After signing into the Paya Exchange, launch the Virtual Terminal mini-app to update the settings. The best way to do this is to use the 'Settings' option, located at the top right of the page. Select 'Risk Controls' from a pop-up window and look for the drop-down menu labeled 'AVS Options'.

    • The first selection is 'Auto Void of AVS Failures' (Code 'N'). This setting will void a transaction if both the address and the zip code do not match the customer record on file at the issuing bank.

    Code N = Neither the Address nor Zip Code Match

    • The second selection is 'Require AVS Approvals' - Exact (Codes 'X' and 'Y'). This setting will void a transaction if either the address or zip code does not match the customer record at the issuing bank. In other words, both the address and the zip code must match; otherwise the transaction will be voided.

    Code X = Address and 9-digit Zip Code match
    Code Y = Address and 5-digit Zip Code match

    • The third selection is 'Require AVS Approvals' - Exact and Partial (Codes 'X', 'Y', 'W' and 'Z'). This setting will void a transaction if neither the address nor the zip code matches the zip code on record with the issuing bank. In other words, either the address or the zip code must match. Otherwise, the transaction will be voided.

    Code Y = Address and 5-digit Zip Code match
    Code Z = 5-digit Zip Code matches only
    Code X = Address and 9-digit Zip Code match
    Code W = 9-digit Zip Code matches only

    What is the difference between the first and third options?

    At first glance, the first (void failures) and third (require at least partial matches) options seem to be the same thing. In most cases, the two are functionally equivalent. There are, however, rare cases in which they will yield different results. These cases typically occur when processing international cards or when the cardholder's bank is experiencing technical difficulties.

    For instance, imagine a transaction that returns a 'U' for AVS (indicating technical difficulties at the bank). Let's consider the two cases:

    • The Virtual Terminal is set to 'Auto Void of AVS Failures' (Code 'N') -- in other words, if it sees an 'N', it voids it. This transaction is a 'U', not an 'N', so it is not voided.
    • The Virtual Terminal is set to 'Require AVS Approvals' - Exact and Partial (Codes 'X', 'Y', 'W' and 'Z') -- in other words, if it sees anything other than an ''X', 'Y', 'W' or 'Z', it voids it. This transaction is a 'U', not one of the required four, so it is voided.

    International Cards will typically return a code of 'G' (address not verified for an International transaction) because of this, 'Require AVS Approvals' and 'Require AVS Approvals - Exact and Partial' will auto void the transaction. If you accept international cards, you will want to use 'Auto Void of AVS Failures'. This setting will reject transactions where the zip and street are incorrect on AVS supporting cards, response code 'N'; all other responses, including 'G', will not trigger the auto-void function.

    If you have questions or require additional information, please contact usand we will be in touch with you shortly.

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