Do you have any examples of the form data that is posted back to our URL from the Paya Exchange Gateway?
Unfortunately, we do not have any examples of the form data, however, here are some examples that would help you get started with Postbacks:
- The transaction responses which are posted back to the URL you specify will contain the response XML elements described in the ‘Response Field Definitions’ section of the XML Messaging document.
- You can obtain a sample of the postback XML response(s) by executing test transactions on a test account. Those responses will be identical in structure to what you would receive using a production account.
- You can set up the postback processing to begin, even if you do not have the code written to parse the response. There is a postback log we can check to verify the data is posting back successfully.
If you have questions or require additional information, please open a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly.