Paya Exchange Management System: Can I create IP restrictions for Paya Exchange?
Paya Exchange can set IP restrictions that limit access to the gateway. These settings can be configured by selecting 'IP Restrictions' from the 'Settings' menu in the 'Virtual Terminal' mini-app. Two different types of access can be restricted:
The 'Virtual Terminal' tab is used to configure user access to Paya Exchange. In other words, only people with an allowed IP address will be able to sign in to the website. Attempting to log in from other locations will return an 'Access Denied' error of 'You do not have access rights to the Virtual Terminal'.
The 'API/Shopping Cart' tab is used to restrict access to the gateway from outside sources. This includes both the Paya Shopping Cart and Donate Now payment pages, as well as integrations that utilize the API or XML Web Services.
If you have questions or require additional information, please contact us and we will be in touch with you shortly.