Paya Developer Portal
How do I integrate e-commerce sites, software, or shopping carts with the Paya gateway?
Paya offers developers several methods for third-party software integrations and offers various integration methods to help web developers build custom solutions that meet the unique needs of their company or client.
To review the different methods you can choose from, please log into our Developer Portal. There, you can create your developer account, participate in the discussion forums, and see a list of some of our partners.
What is the Developer Portal?
- A place where integrators can go to test our new APIs. *Please note the following exceptions: Expresspay, Shopping Cart, and Donate Now
- Dev Portal website:
What APIs are available in the Developer Portal? *Please note that none of the legacy APIs are available
- API Sandbox – The “Sandbox” lets you test the Direct API. The Direct API allows the integrator to take full ownership of the UI/UX. This integration method requires the application to be PCI Certified.
- PaymentsJS – [Archived - no longer available for new integrations] PaymentsJS is an HTML/CSS/JS solution to make accepting payments on your website seamless and helps reduce the PCI burden. Note: We are no longer accepting new integrations using PaymentsJS, if you have an existing integration, you can continue to use your certified integration.
- SED – The Sage Exchange Desktop is an Installed .Net application that is fully PCI-DSS Compliant.
- SEVD – The Sage Exchange Virtual Desktop is the web version of the SED. It allows an ISV to completely remove all sensitive payment data from its application.
What does the Developer need to start testing?
- An App must be created to obtain Client credentials
- Test Account – Can be built by SDK Support or VT/PS/MFS Support
- Test Cards are available here
- Go to GitHub to access our sample code
Additionally, you may visit the Sage Marketplace for details about Sage partners and third-party development resources.
If you have questions or require additional information, please submit a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly.