Designed to help you try and prevent chargebacks from happening and help you be more prepared to handle them when they do occur
A chargeback occurs when a credit card transaction is reversed and money is returned to the cardholder by their credit card company. The majority of situations happen when a cardholder was dissatisfied with the merchandise or fraudulent activity has taken place. The result is loss of revenue and possible loss of merchandise.
Our Program Offers:
- A dedicated toll-free number (1-866-637-5467) to a Paya Chargeback Specialist to personally assist you.
- Custom chargeback prevention tips designed specifically for your business model.
- Assistance in creating chargeback reduction plans.
- One-on-one consultation on how to respond to chargebacks, remedies, and recommendations on how to strengthen rebuttals that may be necessary.
- Access to industry knowledge for best practices when responding to chargebacks.