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    Moneris CA: How to settle batches in e-Select Plus


    Moneris CA: How does a Moneris CA Merchant settle batches?


    Merchants can choose between auto-close and manual close.

    To close a batch manually:

     1. Click on 'Reports' in the top menu bar. The sub-menu bar populates with report items.

     2. Click on batches in the sub-menu bar and the 'Batch Reports' page will open.

     3. Go to the 'Terminal ID' section, and click the 'Close Batch' button beside the 'Batch' that you wish to close.

    4. e-Select Plus communicates with the Moneris Host, and then the 'Batch Close' results page opens.

    5. Look for the 'Batch Close Successful' statement appearing on the page to confirm that the batch has been closed.

    6. To continue closing other batches, click the 'Continue' button; otherwise, the procedure is complete.

    To close a batch automatically:

    This requires that you set a close time and to configure this setting, please follow the steps below: 

    1. Click on 'Admin' in the top menu bar and the sub-menu bar populates with 'Admin' items. 

    2. Click on 'Store Settings' in the sub-menu bar and the 'Store Settings' page will open. 

    3. Scroll down to the 'Batch Close Time' section, and select a 'Batch Close' time.

    If the second option is selected - batches automatically close between 10 and 11 PM (EST/EDT), and the batch closes automatically on a daily basis between 10 and 11 pm (EST/EDT).

    If the last option is selected - batches automatically close at (hh:mm:ss), and the batch closes automatically on a daily basis at a time that you specify. The time frame between 10-11 PM is no longer valid.

    4. Click the 'Save Batch Time' button to save the changes and the page will reload.

    5. Look for the 'Batch Time has been Successfully Updated' statement to confirm that the changes have been saved.

    6. The procedure is complete.

    Note: All time units are in Eastern Time.

    If you have questions or require additional information, please submit a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly.


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