Error/decline codes 04, 07, 41, or 43 “Hold Call” or “Hold Card”
What does error/decline code 04, 07, 41, or 43 “Hold Call” or “Hold Card” mean?
These decline codes indicate that the card has been lost, stolen, or otherwise flagged for pickup by the issuing bank. If you have the physical card in your possession, you should not return the card to the customer. You should retain the card and call the phone number on the back of the card to report the decline.
If you do not have the card, it is possible to look up the issuing bank's phone number by using a BIN search engine online and entering the first six digits of the card number. These digits comprise the BIN and are used to identify the bank that issued a particular card. You can find a number of commonly used BIN search engines by performing a Google search for 'bin lookup.'
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