Sage 50 and Sage Exchange Desktop
There was an error connecting to Sage 50.
Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.w: [LNA][Pervasive][ODBC Engine Interface][Data Record Manager]Non-db file or corrupted db.
This error occurs when the Sage 50 common file "c:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Peach\peachtree240.ini" file is pointing to a valid directory but the directory does not contain a valid company file. This file will need to be edited to have the "DATAPATH=" the correct company folder for Sage 50.
You can find the company folder in Sage 50 under System > Company Maintenance > Directory
You should leave off the last part of the Directory that references the exact company file. In this example, it would be "click top".
If you have questions or require additional information, please submit a ticket and we will be in touch with you shortly.